Page History: My Movies for Cataloging
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Page Revision: 2009/10/03 15:15
You have a collection of DVDs and Blu-Rays on your shelf, have no plans of storing them on your PC or watching them on your PC and just want a nice program to Catalog them and help keep track of them.Go to and choose the download that best matches your OS.

Downloads Page
- First off, choose one of the Server/Client Editions of the program.
Next, choose your Operating System (OS).
Make Sure that you chosen your correct version of Windows - x86 or x64. If you are unsure of what version of Windows you have, you probably have x86. x64 is a specialized version of Windows and if you have that version, you will almost certainly be aware of that. For the majority of users - x86 is the correct version to choose.
- Download it using the Link on the right with the nice graphical picture.
- Once it has downloaded, make sure you extract all the files - it's probably advised not to run the Setup without extracting them first.