Page History: Collection Management - Title Menu
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Page Revision: 2008/01/09 00:24
The title menu is used to modify data for specific titles.
Local Title Maintenance
- Add Titles - adds titles to the local database
- Change Title Source and Data -
- Update Title -
- Import Front Cover -
- Import Full Cover Scan -
- Delete Title -
Web Service Title Maintenance
- Contribute Title Cover 1 - uploads the local cover to the web service
- Contribute Title Data and Cover 1 - uploads the local cover and data to the web service
- Contribute Title Data 1 - uploads the local data to the web service
- Report Incorrect Data 2 - reports to the moderators that a title's data and/or cover is incorrect
2 report any titles which do not follow the
Contribution Guide, you may make the correction before reporting but note that this may result in not recieving points for the contribution