Page History: Contribution Introduction
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Thank you for considering contributing to the My Movies Online Service. When contributing information to the database, it is important to follow the guidelines here as well as the specific details in the contribution guides found on our main documentation page to ensure the high quality of data on the online service for all users. The system is devided into three sections, one for DVD, Blu-ray and HD DVD titles, referred to as disc titles, one for generic movie data, which is not disc based, referred to as movies, and another for TV Series and Episodes, referred to as TV Series, commonly referred to as titles or profiles.
You should consider contributing titles to the online service when a titles does not exist on the online service, and you should consider improving and contributing a title profile downloaded from the online service when it's data is incorrect or insufficient. If the data is incorrect, we also ask that you use the "Report Incorrect Data" function to report it to our moderators, which allows us to quickly stop other users contributing incorrect data.
When contributing a disc title, there are three minimum requirements of data, these are a title type (DVD, HD-DVD or Blu-Ray), a UPC or EAN barcode, and a country. It is very important that these elements of the data are correct when contributing the first time, as you cannot change these later on, and because incorrect contributions of this data may prevent other users from contributing the correct titles.
The most important thing is that you may not contribute information that is copyrighted by other sources, meaning that you may not contribute information that was downloaded from other data sources. When contributing data for disc titles, the source for the data for disc titles should come from the DVD, HD-DVD or Blu-ray itself, meaning that a title description should be the one you read on the back of the DVD, and not informations from other sources, or personal reviews of the title, for Movies and TV Series the data should generally come from the studio/networks material, but an also come from sources without copyright, such as Wikipedia, or it can own written material - official studio/network material will always receive highest priority. The only exception to this rule is factual data, such as production year, genres, cast & crew and other data considered facts.
If you do not follow the specified rules in the contribution guides, you will be sent a warning by e-mail, and if you ignore this warning your account may be blocked from contributing - it is therefore very important to always use an e-mail address that you check frequently. Users found to on purpose upload incorrect data for the sole purpose of gaining contribution points will also risk their account being blocked fully.
Important Before Contributing
Before you contribute a title to the online service, there are different things that you need to check:
- When contributing a new title, make sure that the title does not already exist on the online service, by searching for it's barcode in case of a disc title (DVD, HD DVD or Blu-ray), or for the title itself in case of Movies or TV Series in the "Add Titles" dialog. If the title already exists on the online service, you can reconnect your own title to it by using the "Change Data Source" option from the title menu.
- Make sure that the source of the data you contribute for disc titles is from the DVD, HD-DVD or Blu-ray cover itself; do not contribute movie descriptions from other sources than the back of the DVD cover, and do not contribute movie reviews in the description field. Generally, a title sold in Sweden, will in almost all situations contain Swedish text on the back cover of the DVD, and it is therefore only allowed to contribute a Swedish text description - in short, the language of the contributed data must match the DVD cover.
- When contributing a disc title with a cover, the barcode on the back of the cover must match the barcode of the title, otherwise the cover does not match the title. In some situations where titles are sold as part of box sets they do not contain a barcode, and if that is the case it is alright to contribute a cover scan without a barcode.
- Make sure that you are not contributing data that is copyrighed by other sources. Copyrighted data is data such as movie descriptions, tagline's, actor or crew biographies, or generally all data that cannot be considered facts about the title. Generally it is not recommended to contribute data that originates from other sources than the covers or studio/network directly, or known open sources such as Wikipedia - respect copyright!
Unique Titles
The same disc title may only be located on the online service once for each country. This does not mean that the same movie on a disc title may not be located more than once, as there can be several DVD, HD-DVD or Blu-ray releases for the movie - each release of a disc title may have an entry on the online service. Movie profiles will exist only once, but will have language specific and country specific sections.
Disc titles should at all times only be contributed with "Country" as the country the title was sold in. If your title is an import, the country should be where the title was originally sold, meaning that if you purchased a Region 1 title from USA in United Kingdom, the title should be added with USA as country specification.
The same barcode is often used in several countries, which means that a barcode cannot be referred to as unique, however the same barcode is only used once in each country, which means that the online service will reject creations of titles where the same barcode and country already exists on the online service for another title.
Report Incorrect Data
With a user maintained database, incorrect data will occur. If you see a title that holds incorrect data that does not meet the requirements in the contribution guide, you can either:
Update the profile with the correct data, and contribute this to the online service. This is the preferred method, as you can often easily fix the problem yourself. It is always a good idea to also report the problem to database maintainers too by using the "Report Incorrect Data" button in the interface, but describe if you have fixed the problem, and how. This way database maintainers have the option to check whether or not the contributing user(s) have made other contributions with similar problems.
Report the title to the database maintainers by using the "Report Incorrect Data" button in the interface. Be sure to write a good description about the problem, so that the database maintainers have a chance to correct the issue.
Contribution Points
When you contribute to the online service, you gain contribution points based on how complete the data you contribute is. The contribution points can be used to unlock program features, and is also used to create contribution high score lists.
The contribution points can be gained both when contributing DVD, HD DVD or Blu-ray disc titles, when contributing Movies, TV Series or Episodes, when contributing Movie and TV Series backdrops, posters or banners, and when contributing actor or crew person profiles.
International users can also earn contribution points by translating string used in the software through our localization page:
The points on data profiles are based on a complete percentage - each profile on the online service has a complete percentage from 0-100%, where points are rewarded based on this complete percentage - points rewarded can be seen in the details below. If you only complete a profile to a specific percentage, you gain only a percentage of the available points.
As an example, this means that if you contribute a new 80% complete disc title profile, you are rewarded 24 points, which is 80% of the maximum 30 points for a disc title. If you improve an existing disc title profile that was 80% complete before you contributed your additions, so that with your contribution the title is 90% complete, you are rewarded 3 points, which is 90%-80% (10%) of 30 points.
As a bonus, the user who completes a disc title to 100% gains an additional 12 points, so that a 100% complete disc title profile is actually worth 42 points. It is not required that you have contributed the full profile yourself - if you contribute the last 10% to an 90% complete profile, you also gain these extra 12 points as a bonus! Movies, TV Series and Episodes does not reward additional points for completing a profile, as the contribution of these is splitted into seperate groups.
On the top of your edit page in the Collection Management program, you always have a full overview on what's missing to complete the title profile to 100%. When adding a title, you can see how complete each profile is based on the % icon in the result list - the icon goes from full red through orange and yellow to full green when a profile is fully complete:

The following lists shows how the complete percentage is calculated.
Disc Title Profile (30 points), Notice 12 points extra bonus to complete a profile to 100%:
- Country 1%
- Barcode 1%
- Type 1%
- LocalTitle 1%
- OriginalTitle 1%
- ProductionYear 2%
- ReleaseDate 2%
- RunningTime 2%
- Description 15%
- ParentalRating 5%
- FrontCover 10%
- BackCover 10%
- Genres (min. 1) 5%
- Discs 5%
- Disc ID's 10%
- Actors 1-5 2%
- Actors 5-10 2%
- Actors 10-> 2%
- Director/Crew 2%
- Aspect Ratio 2%
- Video Format 2%
- Audio Tracks 5%
- Subtitles 5%
- Studios 2%
- Extra Features 5%
Movies (30 points)
- Global (38% of full profile)
- Actors 1-5, 5%
- Actors 5-10, 5%
- Actors 10->, 5%
- Director, 3%
- Writer, 2%
- Production Year, 2%
- Running Time, 2%
- Status, 1%
- Original Title, 2%
- Budget, 1%
- Revenue, 1%
- Genres, 3%
- Production Countries, 2%
- Spoken Languages, 2%
- Production Companies, 2%
- Country Specific (12% of full profile)
- Parental Rating, 8%
- WebSite, 2%
- Release Date, 2%
- Language Specific (50% of full profile)
- Title, 10%
- Sort Title, 5%
- YouTube Trailer Id, 10%
- Tag Line, 5%
- Description, 20%
Movie Collections (20 points)
- Global (50% of full profile)
- Original Title, 10%
- Movies, 40%
- Country Specific (10% of full profile)
- Language Specific (40% of full profile)
- Title, 10%
- Sort Title, 10%
- Description, 20%
TV Series (30 points):
- Global (30% of full profile)
- Actors 1-5, 5%
- Actors 5-10, 5%
- Actors 10->, 5%
- Release Country, 2%
- Running Time, 2%
- Disc Runtime, 0%
- Genres, 5%
- First Aired, 2%
- Network, 2%
- Status, 2%
- Country Specific (20% of full profile)
- Running Time, 2%
- Parental Rating, 8%
- First Aired, 2%
- Air Time, 2%
- Air Day, 2%
- Network, 2%
- Status, 2%
- Language Specific (50% of full profile)
- Title, 10%
- Sort Title, 5%
- Description, 35%
TV Episode (20 points):
- Global (40% of full profile)
- Guest Actors, 15%
- Crew, 15%
- Season Number, 5%
- Episode Number, 5%
- Absolute Number, 0%
- Production Code, 0%
- Country Specific (5% of full profile)
- Language Specific (55% of full profile)
- Title, 10%
- Sort Title, 5%
- Description, 40%
Movie Graphic Elements (10 points each)
- Movie Backdrops and Posters.
Movie Collection Graphic Elements (10 points each)
- Movie Collection Backdrops and Posters.
TV Series Graphic Elements (5 points each)
- TV Series Banners, Backdrops and Posters.
- TV Season Banners and Posters.
- TV Episode Images
Actor/Crew Person Profile (10 points):
Software String Translations (1 point per 5 words in a string, minimum 1 point per string)
Notice that if you contribute incorrect information the
gained points may be removed from your account, and you will receive a warning. If you ignore this warning, your account may be closed.