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Page Revision: 2012/03/27 13:41

Box Set Types

Multi Case Box Sets

The below image shows an example of a box set containing individual keep cases.

Box Set - Multiple Cases

The individual keep cases have their own barcodes, and is valid in the service both as individual titles and as titles within the box set. This means that in many cases, the titles contained in the box set have been sold as individual titles as well.

Therefore, in case of a box set contaning keep cases, some users may have only one of the titles, and never knows that this have also been sold as part of a box set.

Single Case Box Sets

The below image shows an example of a box set containing individual discs within one box.

Box Set - Single Case

Extra Material and Digital Copy Discs

Discs containing extra materials, digital copies or similar have different ways of being handled.

1. If the title is a multi disc release, but for a single movie, this is not a box set, and should be handled as a single title with multiple discs. 2. If the title is a multi-disc release with multiple movies, and a one or more dedicated discs for extra material, digital copies or similar, then this is a box set and the extra discs may be added each one as a sub title.