Page History: Box Set Contribution Guide
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Page Revision: 2012/08/08 18:51
As of My Movies for Windows 4.03, the box set guidelines have been changed. This page describes the latest guidelines. Contributions based on the prior guidelines are no longer accepted. We are working on support for box sets on Mac OS X, but until this is ready, Mac OS X users currently cannot contribute box sets to the service.
Box Set Types
Box sets comes in many different types, but overall, they can be split in three categories:
- Box sets that consists of multiple individual cases, where the individual titles have individual barcodes.
- Box sets that consists of multiple individual cases with separate cover, where the individual titles does not have barcodes.
- Box sets where multiple discs are packed in one case, where only the box set container have a barcode and a cover, referred to as "Single Case Box Sets".
If you in any situation is unsure in which category your box set fits, please ask on our forums before contributing it.
Multi Case - Multi Barcode Box SetsThe below image shows an example of a box set containing individual cases, where each case have their own barcode.

Since the individual cases have their own barcodes, they are valid in the service both as individual titles and as titles within the box set, where the same title will exist in the service as duplicates, using the individual case's own barcode on standard items, and the generic "000000000000" (12 zero's) barcode when appearing as child of a box set container.
The following rules apply when contributing such box set:
- Each title must have their own front and back cover, including both the box set container and the child titles.
- The box set container title must have a valid barcode that matches the back cover of the box set containers back cover.
- Each title in the box set, except for the box set container title must use the generic "000000000000" (12 zero's) barcode, despite the cover having it's individual barcode. This is to ensure that users can own a title as an individual title, but also later own the title as part of a box set, even though the system only allows for a title to be present in a collection once. By having "000000000000" barcodes on child titles, they will be separate titles than the individual sold titles despite having the same details.
Titles within a box set with individual barcodes can be added from the online service individually, without any relation to the box set.
Multi Case - Single Barcode Box SetsThe below image shows an example of a box set containing individual cases, where only the box set case itself have barcodes, but where each child title have their own printed cover.

Since the individual cases do not have barcodes, they are only valid in the service as titles within the box set. These titles have not been sold as individual titles.
The following rules apply when contributing such box set:
- Each title must have their own front and back cover, including both the box set container and the child titles.
- The box set container title must have a valid barcode that matches the back cover of the box set containers back cover.
- Each title in the box set, except for the box set container title must use the generic "000000000000" (12 zero's) barcode.
Titles within a box set without individual barcodes can only be added from the online service as part the box set.
Single Case Box SetsThe below image shows an example of a box set containing individual discs within one box, referred to as "Single Case Box Set".

The discs in a "Single Case Box Sets" may be packed differently, but common is that the titles in the box set does not have their own individual covers.
The following rules apply when contributing such box set:
- Each title must use the front and back cover from the box set container, including the box set container itself. This means that all titles have the same cover.
- The box set container title must have a valid barcode that matches the back cover of the box set containers back cover.
- Each title in the box set, except for the box set container title must use the generic "000000000000" (12 zero's) barcode. This means that the child titles in such box set is an exception to the rule that the barcode on the back cover must match the profile, as the profile here uses the generic "000000000000" barcode, while the back cover have the barcode of the box set container.
Titles within a box set in a single case can only be added from the online service as part the box set.
Extra Material and Digital Copy Discs
Discs containing extra materials, digital copies or similar have different ways of being handled.
- If the title is a multi disc release, but for a single movie, this is not a box set, and should be handled as a single title with multiple discs.
- If the title is a multi-disc release with multiple movies, and a one or more dedicated discs for extra material, digital copies or similar, then this is a box set and the extra discs may be added each one as a child title.
Box Set Sorting Rules
Box set child titles should have their sort title set to the name of the box set container, followed by a leading numeric value, and the title of the child title, such as "Bourne Collection, The Ultimate 01: The Bourne Identity", "Bourne Collection, The Ultimate 02: The Bourne Supremacy".
The numeric value comes from the following priority:
1. On box sets containing multiple movies, the number is set based on the movie production year, lowest production year first.
2. On box sets where option one does not apply, the printing order on either the cover or the individual discs defines the number order.
3. On box sets where neither option one or two applies, the number order follows the position of the child titles in the box set container the way it was packed when received. Since this can be difficult to know, the numbers may in this case be left out, leaving others with the knowledge, the option to add them later.
In case of a box set containing bonus disc(s) in individual cases, these are numbered with the highest number, sorting them last in the box set container.
Box set containers follows the standard contribution guidelines sorting rules, as outlines specifically on that page.
In case the option to include the box set container itself in the box set, on the presentation front-end is used, the application front-end will force the box set container to be sorted on top.
TV Series
Box sets containing TV Series, should not be added as box sets, but as a single title containing multiple discs, despite being distributed as a box set.
The only exception to this is in the case where a box set contains more than one TV Series, in which case each series would make one child title.
TV Series box sets are considered one title with multiple discs, just as a single movie title distributed with both a DVD, Blu-ray and a Digital Copy disc, which also is not considered a box set.
The episode mapping option on TV Series adds the front-end options of displaying each episode individually with specific episode data, and should be used for this purpose.
For example, a DVD containing two different TV series, such as "The Best of Friends and Joey", should be added as a box set, with one child profile each for "Friends" and "Joey". However, a DVD set such as "Friends: The Complete Series", should not be added as a box set, as it is just one TV series.
Nested Box Sets
Box sets always consists of one container item, and one or more child titles, nested box sets, or box sets within box sets is not supported.
Even in rare situations where a box set is packaged in multiple inner box sets, the container must be one item, and all child titles placed directly below this.
Data Limitations on Box Set Container
Since a box set container is a container only, there are various informations that should not be entered, or handled specially:
The following infomation refers to one specific movie, and should therefore be left blank on a box set container. This information is likely to be automatically blocked in future versions of the applications:
- Production Year
- IMDB ID (Use the generic "tt0000000" - tt and 7 zero's, to indicate that the box set container title does not have an IMDB id).
- Aspect Ratio
- Genre(s)
- Studio(s)
- Audio Tracks
- Subtitles
- Actors
- Crew Members
The following information should be handled specially:
- Discs. Discs should be added on both the box set container title, and on the individual child titles. This means that if a box set container title consists of four child titles with each two discs, the box set container title would hold eight discs. This ensures that the box set container title is fully functional for users who chooses to not download the child titles.
- Parental Rating. In case the box set container cover have one single rating displayed for the entire box set, this should be specified, in any other case, "None" should be specified. As an example, it is typical for titles in United Kingdom to have a single rating on box set covers, while it is typical for titles in United States to not have ratings on the box set cover, which therefore should be specified as "None".
- Adult. This checkbox should be checked in case there is one or more adult (pornography) titles within the box set container.
- Description. Should be entered as what is on the box set container cover, or what is on an insert if there is no description written on the box set cover. In case there is no description on either, you may enter as a list of titles within the box set.
- Extras. Should be entered as what is on the box set container cover, or what is on an insert if there is no extra material described on the box set cover. In case there is no extra material described on either, enter as "-".