Page History: Features Requiring Points
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Page Revision: 2012/04/17 09:18
You can download all of our products for free, but the products require a free user account that you must create when first using the programs. The programs holds a set of functionalities that are free to use, while some features in the programs require a certain amount of points on your user account - these points can be purchased, or you can contribute data to our service, and receive the points.
This page will give you an overview of features that requires points. There will at no time be a purchased point or contribution point requirement for the basic usage of My Movies, and no feature will at any time require more than 2,500 points. Points are linked to your e-mail address, and can only be removed if you do not follow the contribution guide when contributing titles, and ignore our moderators warnings.
Points are guaranteed to unlock features on all major versions of the program, including all minor version updates. While we cannot guarantee that purchased or contributed points will cover future major versions, it is our intention that they do, and they have always done in the past. Users who purchased or contributed for points several years ago with My Movies 2 still today have full access to all features requirering the points they have, including features in both My Movies 3 for Windows Media Center, My Movies for Windows Home Server and My Movies Collection Management.
The points on your account covers all features that requires the amount of points you have, or less. This means that if you have 1250 points, you gain access to all features with this requirement, or below - you do
not need 3,000 points for two features that requires 1250 points and one that requires 500, to cover all of these you would only need 1250 points. If you have 2,500 points on your account, you can be sure to have access to all features on all current major versions of the product, in the products lifetime.
If you would like to evaluate one or more of these features, you can request a 21 day trial of 2,500 points - notice though, that you can only request this feature once per user account. Please see
this page for details.
My Movies for Windows Media Center
Copy Disc (1,250 points)The copy disc feature allows you to copy DVD, HD DVD and Blu-ray titles* to your computer or network storage directly within Windows Media Center to either an image file or a folder structure. During the copy process your disc will automatically be identified through our online service, and the disc will be added to your collection with high quality meta-data.
Covers and details view (500 points)The "Covers and details" view allows you to see detailed information on your titles, such as parental level, synopsis, cast and more directly when you browse the titles, without the need to open the movie details page.
Covers centered view (1250 points)The "Covers centered view" centeres the currently selected movie and movies all other titles while you browse. The view have been created for easy browsing for users with limited technical skills, such as kids.
Cover row and details view (1250 points)The "Cover row and details view" gives a row of titles in the bottom of the screen, and details about the selected title above. This view also includes the option of displaying covers in a cover-flow a-like view.
Custom Menu Button 1 (1250 points)By creating a custom menu button, you can easily access any listing that you prefer and holds as a favorite. This could be either a filter you have configured, a personal category containing a select set of titles, a specific genre, sort option or similar.
Custom Menu Button 2 (2500 points)Creating a second custom menu button allows you to easily access two personal favorite sections or views.
Changing Cover Rows (1250 points)By default, your collection will be displayed with three rows of covers on the screen, but by changing the amount of covers, you can get either larger covers with only two rows, or small covers displaying more covers on screen by configuring 4, 5 or 6 rows.
Online Backdrops 720P (500 points)When browsing your collection, and viewing movie details, My Movies displays backdrops, also known as fan-art automatically downloaded for your movies from our online service. This option allows you to get backdrops included within the program in 720P resolution.
Online Backdrops 1080P (1250 points)Increasing the quality of downloaded and displayed backdrops to 1080P gives you even better quality of the backdrops displayed on screen.
Internal Transcoder (1250 points)Media Center extenders, such as the Xbox 360 and Linksys DMA-2100 and 2200 are great and cheap add-ons to extend your Windows Media Center to other rooms, but unfortunately the media playback functionalities of the extenders are limited, meaning that they do not support various media types, such as online stored DVD's in image files or VIDEO_TS file structures. The transcoder built-in to My Movies allows you to on-the-fly convert the movie you would like to playback to a format that the extender can play. This allows you to not have to store multiple media types to view your movies on extenders.
Play Movie (2500 points)Default, when playing a DVD, you are taken directly to the menu, and have to go through trailers for other titles, selection of audio, subtitles and similar. With the Play movie function, you can skip this step, and configure My Movies to always directly play the actual movie, skipping all other things. Especially for small children this option makes it much easier.
External Players (1250 points)Most users find the quality of the built-in media player in Windows Media Center to be of good quality, but enthusiasts often prefer different players based on different material, or just overall prefer a different player than the internal one in Windows Media Center. With the external player feature, you can configure which movie types should be played with a select number of external players, where more players can be configured by the expert user.
Customize Start Menu (1250 points)My Movies by default is splitted into two start menu strips in Windows Media Center; one for movies and another for tv series. With the option to customize the start menu, you can select between one or two strips, and you can customize which entry points each strip has.
Play all episodes (2500 points)By pressing "Play" on your remote, or Ctrl+P on a keyboard while placed on a TV Series or Season, you can select to play all episodes, or all unwatched episodes. Notice! This is only supported for TV Series in individual files, and is not supported for TV Series on DVD.
Play random episode (2500 points)By pressing "Play" on your remote, or Ctrl+P on a keyboard while placed on a TV Series or Season, you can select to play a random episode, or a random unwatched episode. Notice! This is only supported for TV Series in individual files, and is not supported for TV Series on DVD.
Similar Titles (2500 points)When you have selected a particular title in your collection, and would like to find something similar, My Movies can use it's high-quality meta-data to give you a selection of titles in your collection that are similar to the one you are currently viewing. If you are unsure what to watch, pick something you know you would like, and see what other titles you might also like.

Filter Creation
Filters (Optionally from 250 to 2,500 points)By creating a filter, you can have different sub-set views of all your titles - this could be a listing all of your childrens movies, the wife's favorite genres, classics from within a specific time period, or short movies for the days when you aren't up to a two and a half hour long movie - filters gives you all the options, what you decide to filter is up to you.
When having configured multiple zones, and having My Movies to be accessible in the childrens rooms, it's a good idea to create a filter and configure this as default view, perhaps listing only Animation and Family movies, the DVD's only, if their Media Centers arent able to play your nice HD-DVD and Blu-ray titles, and perhaps only the online stored titles, so they do not need to get a DVD down from the shelf with the risk of scratching it.
For the sake of your children, be sure to configure My Movies parental restrictions, to keep them blocked from any titles not suitable for their age! The Parental Control feature does not require any points - My Movies is a program for families, and not just the ones contributing.
You can in the Collection Management application create an unlimited amount of filters, however without any Contribution or Purchased points only three will be available in Windows Media Center, with 500 points, five is available and with 1,250 points eight is available. When you have 2,500 points, an unlimited amount of filters is available.
Sony BDP-CX7000ES Support (2500 points)My Movies can control your Sony BDP-CX7000ES 400 disc Blu-ray changer, allowing you to index and mix titles in the changer into your collection, and browse your movies in My Movies high-quality front-end. If your receiver supports RS-232 or TCP/IP control, plug-ins are available, or can be build for your receiver, allowing My Movies to automatically switch inputs from your Media Center PC to your Blu-ray changer and back when a movie is stopped.
My Movies Collection Management
Upload of personal tites (2,500 points)Users with personal titles such as wedding or vacation videos, or just custom titles that does not allow contribution to the My Movies WebService can upload these as personal titles to the WebService if they have 2500 points or more.
Upload of personal titles does not require that the title follows the contribution guide, and other users will not be able to see titles uploaded as personal titles. Only the uploading user can have the title in their collection, or, if removed see the title in a search result.
Uploading a title as a personal title allows it to be included in online collections, and be part of the iPhone, iPad and Android applications.
Notice! Personal titles is intended to be used for titles of personal nature, and not to change retail titles with personal preferences. You may upload maximum 100 titles as personal titles.
Backup to ISO files and backup of HD-DVD and Blu-ray (2,500 points)All users have the option to backup* their DVD movies from within My Movies in Media Center or via the Copy Discs option in the Collection Management program, to be able to store them on hard drives or on network storage, to be able to keep their discs safe of scratches, free from kids dirty fingers or other factors that may harm the users investment. Users with at least 2,500 contribution or purchased points have the option to backup* their DVD's to ISO files as an addition to file structures, or backup HD-DVD or Blu-ray to ISO files or file structures as well.
Do only create backups of discs you owe for your own personal use - piracy is stealing!My Movies for Windows Home Server 2011
My Movies Disc Copier (1,250 points)With 1,250 points or more, you can use the fully automated movie disc copier* in My Movies for Windows Home Server, allowing you to copy DVD, Blu-ray or HD-DVD's directly to your Home Server's shares, in either ISO or file structure format.
My Music Disc Copier (1,250 points)With 1,250 points or more, you can use the fully automated music disc copier in My Movies for Windows Home Server. The Music Disc Copier lets you automatically rip music discs to your Home Server's shares, in WAV, MP3, WMA or WMA Lossless format.
Multi-Disc Copying (2,500 points)If you have 2,500 points or more, you are able to attach up to five drives to your Windows Home Server, and copy discs, audio or video from all of these drives at the same time. This helps you speed up importing titles into your collection if you have a lot of titles to process.
Video Converter (2,500 points)The video converter function, which requires 2,500 points or more will take your copied DVD or Blu-ray titles and convert them to MP4 format for use on iPad, iPhone, Android, AppleTV, DNLA servers or other devices supporting the H.264 playback format.
* Due to legality in several countries, My Movies do not backup copy protected DVD, HD-DVD or Blu-ray titles. Users in countries that allow circumventing CSS and AACS copy protections when backing up their movies can install SlySoft AnyDVD HD to remove these copy protections at driver level.