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Page Revision: 2011/04/28 09:45


Thank you for considering contributing data to My Movies' WebService. Since we believe in quality over quantity, it is important that all data contributed to the service follows this contribution guide. We ask that you read this guide closely before starting to contribute TV Series data. Notice that if you locate any data on our service that does not follow this guide, you can either correct the data yourself (recommended), or report the issue to our moderators if you are unsure of how to correct it.

If you have any questions regarding data contributions, and how to ensure that you are contributing data correctly, please use the Data Contribution area of our forums to seek support. Our moderators will gladly help you. Should you contribute incorrect data to the service, you will likely receive a warning from our moderators, and if these warnings are ignored, it can lead to your account being temporary closed until we have ensured that you will follow the contribution guide when contributing. Because of this, it is important that you use an account with an e-mail address that you check frequently.

The TV Series data in the My Movies WebService originally origins from, which does not have the exact same structure and rule set of My Movies. Due to this, there can be data in the system that does not follow this contribution guide - this fact however does not make it acceptable to contribute data that does not follow the guide.

Data contributed to the WebService is stored in the My Movies WebService only. The software does not store this back to At the time an element is contributed to in the My Movies WebService the section of the element changed will not be further updated from

Notice! You currently do not receive points for reporting incorrect data on TV Series as you do with disc title profiles - this is because the data is mainly imported from, and therefore not contributed by users in our WebService, where the main purpose of the incorrect reports are to stop users from contributing incorrect data. It is planned that we later on will provide contribution history for TV Series where it will be come visible if data was imported from, or contributed by users in our system - in case where the data was contributed by users in our system, we will then be opening up for receiving points for reporting incorrect data.

TV Series

The data on a TV Series consists of three sections, a section containing global data, one containing country specific data and a third containing language specific data. While you contribute series data though one option, these sections are stored individually. This means that a contribution to a series where only country specific or language specific data is changed will only update data in the "Country Specific" or "Language Specific" section on the WebService.


Release Country

The Release Country specifies the country where the series where broadcasted first, which is also typically the same as the country where the series where produced. Notice that several series have an empty value (Neutral) in this drop-down which is because the Release Country was not known when importing the data originally from It is highly recommended that you change and contribute the Release Country on series where this is not specified. If you change the Release Country, you have to ensure that the other global data is correct according the changed release country.

Running Time

The global Running Time specifies the complete airing length in the Release Country, including commercials. This means that if a show is scheduled to 60 minutes including commercials, but only is 45 minutes actual show length, the full airing length of 60 minutes should be specified.

Disc Runtime

The Disc Runtime specifies the actual show length, excluding commercial breaks. This data does not refer to a country, as the actual show length is the same no matter where the show is aired. If the actual show length is known, even though a series is not released on disc, the Disc Runtime may still be specified.


Genre(s) are for some series listed on the series official website, or on a released disc title for the series, but in other situations Genre(s) come down to the individual user’s interpretation. It is recommended to use the series official website, or a cover from a disc release in that order as source for Genre(s), if you are unsure of which Genres to add.

First Aired

The global First Aired date refers to the date the series was first aired in the Release Country.


The global Network refers to the TV network where the series was first aired in the Release Country. In case where a series changes to a different network, while still being in production, the network airing the latest new episode should be listed.


The Actors of the series specifies the actors starring in the series in general. Guest stars for individual episodes should not be listed here.


Please see Banner contribution details in the section 'Banners, Backdrops, Posters and Episode Images'.


Please see Backdrop contribution details in the section 'Banners, Backdrops, Posters and Episode Images'.


Please see Poster contribution details in the section 'Banners, Backdrops, Posters and Episode Images'.

Country Specific


The Country drop-down does not quality as a data specification, but let's you select from which country you would like the data for the series. If data is not present for the country you have configured in the 'Language and Country' configuration dialog, the data will be downloaded as 'Release Country' which is a neutral placeholder. does not hold information about which country a series was released in, therefore the data is by default available under the neutral 'Release Country', as well as United States. Even though United States is not always the release country, the neutral data from is created for United States, as this is the release country for most TV Series. This means that series where the release country is not United States, until edited will not have data for the actual country the series was released in, and United States may have data that is not correct. It is recommended that you change the country to your own country and specify the country specific data to what is correct for this country, and contribute it back to the WebService.

Running Time

The Running Time specifies the complete airing length in the country selected in Country, including commercials. This means that if a show is scheduled to 60 minutes including commercials, but only is 45 minutes actual show length, the full airing length of 60 minutes should be specified.

Parental Rating

First Aired

The country specific First Aired date refers to the date the series was first aired in the country selected in Country.

Air Time

The Air Time specifies the time of day where the show runs, or was running in case the show is no longer running. Being country specific, the Air Time refers to the country selected in Country.

Air Day

The Air Day specifies the week day where the show runs, or was running in case the show is no longer running. Being country specific, the Air Day refers to the country selected in Country. In case where the Air Day is not a week day, but is daily, the 'Daily' option should be selected.


The country specific Network refers to the TV network where the series was first aired in the country selected in Country. In case where a series changes to a different network, while still being in production, the network airing the latest new episode should be listed.


Details will be added later.

Language Specific


The Language drop-down does not quality as a data specification, but let's you select in which language you would like the data for the series.


The Title specifies the title for the series in the language selected in 'Langugage'. If the title is shown in gray, it means that the title is not specified for the selected language, but instead is inherited from English. If the title is shown in gray, it is recommended to specify the title for the selected language and contribute it back to the service. The title can typically be found on the official website for the TV Series. If an official title is not available for the country, it should not be specified. You may not create localized titles based on own preferences.

Sort Title

The Sort Title equals the title, with exceptions of leading words, such as “The” in English, “Die”, “Das” and “Der” in Germany, and similar, where the leading word must be placed behind the title. An example would be the English Sort Title, “Simpsons, The”, and the German Sort Title “Simpsons, Die”.


The Description specifies a description for the series in the language selected in 'Langugage'. If the description is shown in gray, it means that the description is not specified for the selected language, but instead is inherited from English. The description can often be found on the TV Series official website, which is currently the only valid source for descriptions. If the description is shown in gray, you can click the translator button to the left of the description box, and translate the English description into the language selected. A description may be specified as a direct translation from an already existing description in another language.

TV Seasons

TV Seasons contains only images and child episodes, which means that there for TV Series is no data to contribute. You can contribute season banner and poster images through the image selectors.


Banner Image

Please see Banner contribution details in the section 'Banners, Backdrops, Posters and Episode Images'.

Poster Image

Please see Poster contribution details in the section 'Banners, Backdrops, Posters and Episode Images'.

TV Episodes

As with TV Series, the data for a TV Episode also consists of three sections. The functionality of is the same as for TV Series. Similar, data in the "Personal Data" section is not contributed to the WebService.



The Season specifies the Season number in the series. The Season is added at the time the episode is created, and should normally not be edited. End-users are not allowed to change the Season number once an episode have been contributed to the WebService - if the Season is not specified correct, this must be reported using the 'Report Incorrect Data' tool, allowing a moderator to change it.


The Episode specifies the Episode number in the season. The Episode is added at the time the episode is created, and should normally not be edited. End-users are not allowed to change the Episode number once an episode have been contributed to the WebService - if the Episode is not specified correct, this must be reported using the 'Report Incorrect Data' tool, allowing a moderator to change it.

Absolute Number

Details to come.

Production Code

Details will be added later.

Guest Actors

Details will be added later.


Details will be added later.

Episode Image

Details will be added later.

Country Specific


The Country drop-down does not quality as a data specification, but let's you select from which country you would like the data for the episode. If data is not present for the country you have configured in the 'Language and Country' configuration dialog, the data will be downloaded as 'Release Country' which is a neutral placeholder. does not hold information about which country a series was released in, therefore the data is by default available under the neutral 'Release Country', as well as United States. Even though United States is not always the release country, the neutral data from is created for United States, as this is the release country for most TV Series. This means that episodes where the release country is not United States, until edited will not have data for the actual country the episode was released in, and United States may have data that is not correct. It is recommended that you change the country to your own country and specify the country specific data to what is correct for this country, and contribute it back to the WebService.

First Aired

Details will be added later.

Language Specific


The Language drop-down does not quality as a data specification, but let's you select in which language you would like the data for the series.


Details will be added later.

Sort Title

The Sort Title equals the title, with exceptions of leading words, such as “The” in English, “Die”, “Das” and “Der” in Germany, and similar, where the leading word must be placed behind the title. An example would be the English Sort Title, “Simpsons, The”, and the German Sort Title “Simpsons, Die”.


The Description specifies a description for the episode in the language selected in 'Langugage'. If the description is shown in gray, it means that the description is not specified for the selected language, but instead is inherited from English. The description can often be found on the TV Series official website, which is currently the only valid source for descriptions. If the description is shown in gray, you can click the translator button to the left of the description box, and translate the English description into the language selected. A description may be specified as a direct translation from an already existing description in another language.

Images - Banners, Backdrops, Posters and Episode Images

There are some general rules to consider when contributing images to the WebService. Notice specifically that our moderators in the end have the final ruling weather or not an image contributed is of a high enough quality, and if it complies with the rules, or complies with the rules close enough, as there are without a doubt gray areas.


  • Images may never contain nudity, weather it is cartoonish or photographic.
  • Images must be uploaded in high quality.
  • Images may not be upscaled, except in situations where it is specifically written to be allowed.
  • Images may not be stretched aspect ratio wise.


Details will be added later.


Contribution rules for backdrops are covered by the page "Movie and TV Serie Backdrops". Notice! The rules for backdrops contributed to the My Movies WebService are more strict than rules for backdrops contributed to where the TV Series data origins from. This means that there may be backdrops in the WebService that does not follow these rules - that does not make it acceptable to contribute backdrops that does not follow the guidelines. Backdrops originally loaded from is for now allowed in the system, even thought they do not follow the guidelines.

Overall, as the contribution guide states that backdrops may not contain text, backdrops are always in neutral language for any new added backdrops - there are however several backdrops imported from where the backdrops contains text, and where the language setting is either incorrect by being set to 'United States' even when they are neutral, or where the language is not set at all. We hope that you will help the system by changing the language of these when you meet them, as this would allow us to later on change how backdrops with text is handled.


Contribution rules for posters are covered by the page "Movie and TV Serie Posters". Notice! The rules for posters contributed to the My Movies WebService are more strict than rules for posters contributed to where the TV Series data origins from. This means that there may be posters in the WebService that does not follow these rules - that does not make it acceptable to contribute posters that does not follow the guidelines. Posters originally loaded from is for now allowed in the system, even thought they do not follow the guidelines.

There are several posters imported from where the language setting is either incorrect by being set to 'United States' even when they are neutral, or where the language is not set at all. We hope that you will help the system by changing the language of these when you meet them.

Episode Images

Details will be added later.

Contribution Points

When you contribute TV Series or Episodes to the WebService, you gain contribution points based on how complete the data you contribute is. The contribution points for TV Series and Episodes are seperated into data contributions and image contributions.

You will receive 5 points for each contributed image, weather this is a banner, backdrop, poster or episode image. The data on a full TV Series with a 100% complete profile rewards 30 points, while a full TV Episode with a 100% complete profile regards 20 points.

This means that if you contribute a new TV Series and supply both a banner, backdrop and poster, you will receive 45 points, which is 30 points for the data on the profile, and 5 points for each of the images. If you contribute a new TV Episode and supply an episode image, you will receive 25 points, which is 20 points for the data on the profile and 5 points for the episode image.

If you improve an existing TV Series profile from 50% to 80%, you will have improved the TV Series profile by 30%, and you will receive 30% of 30 points for your contribution, which equals 9 points. Similar, if you improve an exiting TV Episode from 25% to 50%, you will have improved the TV Episode profile by 25%, and you will receive 25% of 20 points for your contribution, which equals 5 points.

Notice! The system can only calculate and reward points for improvements of profiles that results in a higher complete percentage - it is not possible for the system to reward points for changing and improving existing data. We hope that you despite this will help us correct any incorrect data you find, despite not being rewarded points for it. By doing so, you improve the quality of the service for both yourself and others.

The following list shows how complete percentag is calculated.

TV Series (30 Points):

  • Global (30% of Profile)
    • Actors 1-5, 5%
    • Actors 5-10, 5%
    • Actors 10->, 5%
    • Release Country, 2%
    • Running Time, 2%
    • Disc Runtime, 0%
    • Genres, 5%
    • First Aired, 2%
    • Network, 2%
    • Status, 2%

  • Country Specific (20% of Profile)
    • Running Time, 2%
    • Parental Rating, 8%
    • First Aired, 2%
    • Air Time, 2%
    • Air Day, 2%
    • Network, 2%
    • Status, 2%

  • Language Specific (50% of Profile)
    • Title, 10%
    • Sort Title, 10%
    • Description, 35%

TV Episode (20 Points):

  • Global (40% of Profile)
    • Guest Actors, 15%
    • Crew, 15%
    • Season Number, 5%
    • Episode Number, 5%
    • Absolute Number, 0%
    • Production Code, 0%

  • Country Specific (5% of Profile)
    • First Aired, 5%

  • Language Specific (55% of Profile)
    • Title, 10%
    • Sort Title, 5%
    • Description, 40%