IntroductionWelcome to My Movies Documentation section.
You will find topics that are common for all our programs in the "My Movies Common" section. Other sections contains details for the different program offerings individually.
If you see a video icon

next to the topic, this means that an additional instructions video is available when opening the topic page.
Remember that you are always welcomed to create a topic in
our forums if you cannot find the required information here.
Beginners GuidesMy Movies Common- Account Activation Problems
- Contribution and Purchased Points
Online Service- Contribution Guides (Rules)
- Contribution Instructions & Tools
My Movies for Windows and
My Movies Home and Essentials Server Solution - Meta-Data Provider and Video Converter
My Movies for Mac OS XMy Movies for iPhone, iPad, Android (Phones and Tablets) and Windows 8OtherWindows Media Center TipsThis section contains general tips for configuring Windows Media Center.
- Windows Media Center Configuration