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Box Sets
=='''Notice'''== These guidelines have been deprecated. Please refer to the guidelines for My Movies for Windows version 4.03 or later. =='''Box Sets'''== To better understand what we’re dealing with, let’s establish a few definitions.{BR} Keep Case: a container for an individual disc, whether it is a poly-box, cardboard-box, metal-box, etc.{BR} Box Set: Any officially released container that is designed to hold multiple discs.{BR} There are several types of Box Sets:{BR} 1 - A Keep-Case Box Set: the Box Set is a Keep-Case and the discs are contained within.{BR} 2 - A Box Set Containing Keep-Cases: the Box Set is a container of some sort that holds individual Keep Cases within.{BR} (((Keep-Case Box Set Examples:{BR} A- Carried By The Wind - Tsukikage Ran: Complete Collection (USA Barcode 669198210211). This box set is a large-sized Poly-Box Keep-Case which holds 4 discs within it in simple disc trays.{BR} B- Fist of Fear - Touch of Death / The Real Bruce Lee: Double-Sided Double Feature (USA Barcode 011891987028). This box set is a normal-sized Poly-Box Keep-Case which holds 1 double-sided disc with a movie on each side.))){BR} (((Box Set Containing Keep-Cases Example:{BR} A- Moon Phase: Box Set (USA Barcode 704400083907). This box set is a large cardboard box container which holds 6 Keep-Cases. Each Keep-Case has it’s own Barcode because they are available for purchase separately from the Box Set as individual items.{BR} B- Star Wars Trilogy (USA Barcode 024543123415). This box set is a large cardboard box container which holds 4 Keep-Cases. These Keep-Cases are not available for sale separately, so they do not have their own individual Barcodes.{BR} C- Family Guy: Season Five (UK Barcode 5039036028462). This box set is a medium-sized cardboard box which holds 3 small Keep-Cases, or Thinpaks. These Thinpaks are not available for sale separately, so they do not have their own individual Barcodes.{BR} D- Inuyasha: First Season Box Set (USA Barcode 782009201632). This box set is a large light-cardboard box container which holds one large Cardboard Keep-Case, which holds 5 discs in simple disc trays.{BR} E- The Ultimate Matrix Collection (USA Barcode 085393367121). This box set is a large container which holds 10 Discs, each with their own small cd-style Jewel-Case. These Jewel-Cases are not available for sale separately, so they do not have their own individual UPC codes.))){BR} Note: for the intent of this article, Extra Discs have different ways of being handled.{BR} 1- If the release is a 2-disc single-movie title, and the 2nd disc is just Extras: this is not a box set{BR} 2- If the release is a multi-disc release with multiple films, and a dedicated disc for Extras, then this is a box set and the Extras Disc may be added as a Sub Title.{BR} ==='''Box Sets Which Contain More Than One Movie and the Webservice'''=== It’s nice to have information for each movie in a boxset, but there are special ways of achieving this on the Webservice so that each movie will receive it’s own profile containing specific information appropriate to each movie. Basically we will be creating a Main Box Set Title and then for each movie there will be individual Titles. '''''Box Set Main Title Rules:'''''{BR} 1- The following fields should be left blank, considering the exceptions listed:{BR} ::Production Year{BR} ::IMDB ID (currently, use tt0000000 until My Movies Ids are ready){BR} ::Aspect Ratio{BR} ::Genre{BR} ::Studios{BR} ::Extras (unless Extras are listed on the Main Box Set){BR} ::Audio{BR} ::Subtitles{BR} ::Actors{BR} ::Crew{BR} 2- Parental Rating: list as None ''unless'' the box set is from a country that issues a combined parental rating. As an example, UK releases have combined ratings but US releases do not -- so this field must be set to "none" for US releases.{BR} 3- Adult Title checkbox: check if there are adult titles within the Box Set{BR} 4- Discs: Each disc in the Box Set should be added as a disc with it‘s Disc ID, so if it is a 3-movie set there will be 3 Discs.{BR} 5- The Description Field should state what is on the Box Set, or what is on an insert if there is nothing on the Box Set representing a :description. If neither of these apply, simply list the movie’s titles or use the - symbol for future automation of the field.{BR} 6- Sort Field: If the boxset is generally regarded as a series use the same sorting standard as you would normally use with individual profiles, but use 00 as the number, with the Box Set name appended to the end.{BR} (((Example of Sort Field for The Ultimate Matrix Collection (USA Barcode 085393367121):{BR} :Matrix, The 00: Ultimate Matrix Collection, The{BR} :For Anime Box Sets in which the first DVD comes packaged with the Box Set holder for future DVD releases, append Art Box to the end,.{BR} :and use 01.00 as the Sort Number.{BR} :Example of Sort Field for Moon Phase Volume 1 with Art Box (USA Barcode 704400083907):{BR} :Moon Phase 01.00: Art Box{BR}))) Using 00 keeps the Box Set properly sorted in relation to individual releases in the series. The reason many fields are left blank, is because each movie will have it’s own individual title with that information on it specifically for that movie. The Box Set is merely a physical holder in this case, with the most amount of information listed that will not conflict with it’s contents. Once you have made sure that you have followed the normal contribution rules for a title, AND made sure that they conform to the Box Set Main Title Rules you can contribute the Main Box Set Title to the Webservice. '''''Box Set Sub Title Contribution Rules:'''''{BR} 1- If the movie is in a Keep-Case, has it’s own Barcode and is available to purchase separate from the Box Set, contribute the movie as you would in normal circumstances - as if it is an individual title.{BR} 2- If the movie is in a Keep-Case , does not have it’s own Barcode and is not available to purchase separate from the Box Set, contribute the movie as you would in normal circumstances but use the following Barcode: Barcode 000000000000. Once you contribute the title, it will have to be approved by a Moderator and then the profile will be available for download by other users.{BR} 3- If the movie is a disc contained in a simple disc tray without it’s own individual Keep-Case, contribute the movie as you would in normal circumstances but use the Front and Back Covers of the Box Set Main Profile. You will also have to use the Barcode 000000000000 and it will have to be approved by a Moderator.{BR} (((__Special Rules for Barcode 000000000000:__{BR} :A- Description Field: If a description for the movie is not available from the Box Set, Keep-Case or an Insert please type a Hyphen (-) in the Description Field so that the program can handle the lack of a description better in a future update.{BR} :B- Disc Name under Assign Discs: should be the name of the movie.{BR}))) 4- Do not treat a 2-Disc single-movie release in which the 2nd Disc is merely extras as a Box Set.{BR} 5- '''These Rules apply to movies and television shows only!''' Box Sets that hold individual cartoon shorts or Film shorts will not be handled in this manner and you cannot make separate Sub Profiles within the Webservice for each one of them. In some rare instances, a dedicated Extras Disc may be given it’s own profile, but this only for ease of navigating the discs, and in this instance the profile will most likely not be able to be 100% complete.{BR} :Example of what not to do: Don't create separate discs for each of multiple Bugs Bunny Episodes contained on 1 disc. 6- Important! Please search the Webservice for available Box Set Sub Profiles before contributing duplicates to the Webservice. {BR} 7- Please keep in mind that 000000000000 Titles do no give points at this time. Perhaps in the future they will. {BR} 8- The length of the special use all-zero barcode must always be 12 digits, even in countries where 13-digit barcodes are used.{BR} ==='''Box Sets Which Contain More Than One Movie and Collection Management'''=== Box Set Sub Titles can be found on the Webservice by the usual methods: searching by Disc ID or searching by Title. If there is not an available Box Set Sub Title available after searching you may contribute your own Sub Title after you have made sure that all the above Rules have been met. Please make sure that one does not already exist on the Webservice before spending the time to create one. When you have downloaded your Sub Title from the Webservice, or created and contributed them, they can be added to the Box Set Main Title by using the Series/Boxset button within Collection Management. You can choose to check the option to Not Include Holding Title as Part of the Series/Boxset, so when you press the Watch button on the Box Set Main Profile in Media Center you will be greeted with the choice of your Sub Titles: each with their own individual information specific to each movie. If you do not check the box, when you press the Watch button on the Main Profile you will see the Main Title and the Sub Titles and each one may be selected to watch their respective discs (if a box set has a dedicated Disc for Extras, then this option will allow you watch it by choosing the Main Title Watch button within the Main Title). Don’t forget to Save Title when you are done adding your Sub Titles!