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Page Revision: 2009/11/19 18:12

Description contains the description found on the title cover, and must be written exactly as it is written on the title cover, and in the same language as it is written on the title cover.

Capitalization must be kept as it is on the cover, and special letters, such as ©, ®, and similar must be typed in too. Special characters can be copied from the Windows Character Map application. In situations where the full description is written in capitalized letters, capitalization should not be kept, and standard writing capitalization rules should be used.

Please notice the following things when contributing description:

Do not contribute taglines, reviews, extra features or similar, unless it is a direct part of the description. You may not contribute other languages than the one written on the cover, even if the language written on the cover does not match the country of origin. You may not write HTML codes in the description. If a title has no description, and only if a title has no description on the title cover, you may use the symbol - for future automating purposes. As the description must match the description on the cover, you may not contribute description before the full cover is available. Do not take Descriptions from anywhere else other than the title cover - or it will be incorrect. Do not put additional information in the Description Field that is not present on the title cover. This includes tv episode titles, tv episode synopses - UNLESS they are included on the title cover - then they are considered part of the Description. Do not write your name or another person's name at the end of the Description. If you are writing a Description for a Music Title - then the track listings (if found on the title cover) must be included as part of the Description.