As of My Movies for Windows 5.11, it is possible to contribute details about case types on disc profiles. To assist with contributing the correct case type, we have included examples and descriptions below. Mac OS X users currently cannot contribute case type details to the service.
EditCase Types
Case types come in many different forms, but can be summarized into the follow types:
- Box
- Clamshell
- Digibook
- Digipack
- Drawer
- Evelope
- Jewel Case
- Keep Case (HD, Low)
- Keep Case (HD Slim, Low)
- Keep Case (Std.)
- Metal Case
- Slip Case
- Snapper
- SteelBook
- THINpak
- Other
If you in any situation are unsure in which category your case fits, please ask on our forums before contributing it.
BoxThe below image shows an example of a Box.
ClamshellThe below image shows an example of a Clamshell
DigibookThe below image shows an example of a Digibook. A Digibook is similar to a hardbound book, with the addition of a disc tray.
DigipackThe below image shows an example of a Digipack. A Digipack typically has 3 or more segments that unfold, revealing access to the discs.
DrawerThe below image shows an example of a Drawer.
EnvelopeThe below image shows an example of a Envelope.
Jewel CaseThe below image shows an example of a Jewel Case.
Keep Case (HD, Low)The below image shows an example of a Keep Case (HD, Low). Typically used for Blu-ray and HD DVD, about the same thickness has a standard DVD keep case.
Keep Case (HD Slim, Low)The below image shows an example of a Keep Case (HD Slim, Low). Standard case tupe for Blu-ray and HD DVD. Thinner than an Keep Case (HD, Low).
Keep Case (Std.)The below image shows an example of a Keep Case (Std). Standard, full-height keep case primarily only used for DVD discs.
Metal CaseMetal Case is broadly defined as any metal case other than those specifically branded as SteelBook. The below image shows an example of a MetalPak, which is classified as a Metal Case.
Slip CaseThe below image shows an example of a Slip Case. A Slip Case holds two or more cases.
SteelBookThe below image shows an example of a SteelBook. A metal keep case produced by Scanovo. Not to be confused with similar metal cases such as MetalPak -- all metal cases not specifically branded as SteelBook must be listed as Metal Case. Branding may appear on the case art, or inside the case on the disc tray.
SnapperThe below image shows an example of a Snapper. A Snapper is made of cardboard and has a plastic disc tray and clasp.
THINpakThe below image shows an example of a THINpak. A very thin keep case.
OtherThe below image shows examples of Other case types, not handled by any of the above.
Keep Case (HD, Low) vs. Keep Case (HD Slim, Low)

In the example above, the "Killing Season" (top) is type "Keep Case (HD Slim, Low)". "Dial M for Murder" and "Lost: The Complete Fourth Season" are both "Keep Case (HD, Low)". Notice that "Keep Case (HD Slim, Low)" is considerably thinner, and the corners appear more round.
SteelBook vs Metal Case

In the example above, "Edge of Tomorrow" is a "SteelBook". "Young Frankenstein" is a MetalPak case, and is classified as the type "Metal Case". Notice that "Metal Case" is a general classification to cover many types of metal packaging, while "SteelBook" is a specific branding with limited variation.
EditSlip Cover