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My Movies for Cataloging and Watching Discs on your Hard-Drive (Online Discs)
'''These guides will help you if you have a collection of DVDs and Blu-Rays that you would like to store on your Hard-Drives, using the My Movies Media Center Interface to watch them*'''. Choose between:{BR} *[External Ripper|Using an external DVD or Blu-Ray Ripper to rip your discs to your hard-drive.]{BR} *[Cataloging and Watching using Built-In Ripper|Using My Movie's built-in DVD or Blu-Ray Ripper to rip your discs to your hard-drive.]{BR} <sub>* Due to legality in several countries, My Movies do not backup copy protected DVD, HD-DVD or Blu-ray titles. Users in countries that allow circumventing CSS and AACS copy protections when backing up their movies can install [|SlySoft AnyDVD HD] to remove these copy protections at driver level.</sub>