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Collection Management - Toolbar
<!-- Styles Moved internal - Firefox didn't like when they were linked in the body --> <!-- a text file with these styles can be found at {UP}Collection%20Management%2fStyleSheets%2fMenuStyles.txt --> <style> div.MMCMMenu { float: left; position: relative; width: 100%; padding-bottom: 2px; padding-top: 4px; } img.MMCMMenu { border-top-style: none; border-right-style: none; border-left-style: none; border-bottom-style: none; position: absolute; top: 4px; left: 0px; width: 480px; } div.MMCMMenuImageArea { position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 480px; } div.MMCMMenuItem { font-weight: normal; font-size: 9pt; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; text-decoration: none; border-right: #7b7b7b 1px solid; border-top: #7b7b7b 1px solid; border-left: #7b7b7b 1px solid; border-bottom: #7b7b7b 1px solid; background-color: #ffff99; position: absolute; z-index: 1000; padding-right: 2px; padding-left: 2px; padding-bottom: 2px; padding-top: 2px; height: 16px; overflow: hidden; } div.MMCMBackToMain{ font-weight: normal; font-size: 9pt; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; text-decoration: none; background-color: transparent; position: absolute; z-index: 1000; padding-right: 2px; padding-left: 2px; padding-bottom: 2px; padding-top: 2px; height: 16px; left: 0px; bottom: 4px; overflow: hidden; } </style> <!-- Image Map is at the bottom of the text to avoid clutter --> ===Description=== ((( The Toolbar provides shortcuts to select [#TitleMenuShortcuts|items on the Title Menu], shortcuts to select [#WebServiceMenuShortcuts|items on the WebService Menu] and actions used to change the Title List view. ))) {BR} ==="Clickable" Image=== <div class="MMCMMenu" style="height: 130px;"> <div class="MMCMMenuImageArea" style="height: 107px;"> <img class="MMCMMenu" style="top: 28px; height: 57px;" src="{UP}Collection%20Management%2fImages%2fToolbar.gif" alt="Toolbar" usemap="#MenuImageMap"/> <div class="MMCMMenuItem" style="left: 98px; top: 87px;">[#TitleMenuShortcuts|Title Menu Shortcuts]</div> <div class="MMCMMenuItem" style="left: 286px; top: 87px;">[#TitleMenuShortcuts|Title Menu Shortcuts]</div> <div class="MMCMMenuItem" style="right: 218px; top: 4px;">[#WebServiceMenuShortcuts|Web Service Menu Shortcuts]</div> <div class="MMCMMenuItem" style="left: 383px; top: 4px;">[#TitleListActions|Title List Actions]</div> </div> <div class="MMCMBackToMain">[Collection Management - Main Screen|<< Main Screen >>]</div> </div> ===Shortcuts=== ((( {| |- | colspan="2" align="center" | __'''Title Menu Shortcuts'''__[anchor|#TitleMenuShortcuts] |- | colspan="2" | |- | width="130" align="center" | [anchor|#AddTitles][image|Add Titles|{UP}Collection%20Management%2fImages%2fToolbar_AddTitles.gif] | '''Add Titles''' - adds title(s) to the local database |- | align="center" | [anchor|#ContributeTitleCover][image|Contribute Title Cover|{UP}Collection%20Management%2fImages%2fToolbar_ContributeTitleCover.gif] | '''Contribute Title Cover <sup>[#note1|1], [#note2|2]</sup>''' - uploads the selected title's local cover to the web service |- | align="center" | [anchor|#ContributeTitleDataAndCover][image|Contribute Title Data And Cover|{UP}Collection%20Management%2fImages%2fToolbar_ContributeTitleDataAndCover.gif] | '''Contribute Title Data And Cover <sup>[#note1|1], [#note2|2]</sup>''' - uploads the selected title's local cover and data to the web service |- | align="center" | [anchor|#ContributeTitleData][image|Contribute Title Data|{UP}Collection%20Management%2fImages%2fToolbar_ContributeTitleData.gif] | '''Contribute Title Data <sup>[#note2|2]</sup>''' - uploads the selected title's local data to the web service |- | align="center" | [anchor|#ChangeTitleSourceAndData][image|Change Title Source And Data|{UP}Collection%20Management%2fImages%2fToolbar_ChangeTitleSourceAndData.gif] | '''Change Title Source And Data''' - changes the source of the selected title's data to the My Movies web service, performs an [Collection Management - Title Menu#UpdateTitle|Update Title] after changing the source |- | align="center" | [anchor|#DeleteTitle][image|Delete Title|{UP}Collection%20Management%2fImages%2fToolbar_DeleteTitle.gif] | '''Delete Title''' - deletes the selected title(s) from the local database |- | align="center" | [anchor|#ReportIncorrectData][image|Report Incorrect Data|{UP}Collection%20Management%2fImages%2fToolbar_ReportIncorrectData.gif] | '''Report Incorrect Data <sup>[#note3|3], [#note4|4]</sup>''' - reports to the moderators that the selected title's data and/or cover is incorrect |- | colspan="2" | |- | colspan="2" align="center" | __'''WebService Menu Shortcuts'''__[anchor|#WebServiceMenuShortcuts] |- | colspan="2" | |- | align="center" | [anchor|#UpdateTitleProfiles][image|Update Title Profiles From WebService|{UP}Collection%20Management%2fImages%2fToolbar_UpdateTitleProfiles.gif] | '''Update Title Profiles From WebService <sup>[#note5|5], [#note6|6]</sup>''' - updates the local data and cover(s) for each title in the collection to that found on the My Movies web service |- | align="center" | [anchor|#UpdateActorAndCrewProfiles][image|Update Actor And Crew Profiles From WebService|{UP}Collection%20Management%2fImages%2fToolbar_UpdateActorsAndCrew.gif] | '''Update Actor And Crew Profiles From WebService <sup>[#note5|5], [#note7|7]</sup>''' - updates the local data and photo for each person in the collection to that found on the My Movies web service |- | align="center" | [anchor|#UpdateAllContent][image|Update All Content From WebService|{UP}Collection%20Management%2fImages%2fToolbar_UpdateAllContent.gif] | '''Update All Content From WebService <sup>[#note5|5], [#note6|6], [#note7|7]</sup>''' - updates the local data, cover(s) and photo for each title and person in the collection to that found on the My Movies web service |- | colspan="2" | |- | colspan="2" align="center" | __'''Title List Actions'''__[anchor|#TitleListActions] |- | colspan="2" | |- | align="center" | [anchor|#RefreshTitleList][image|Refresh Title List|{UP}Collection%20Management%2fImages%2fToolbar_RefreshTitleList.gif] | '''Refresh Title List''' - Refreshes Title List Data to account for any changes and redisplays the list |- | align="center" | [anchor|#TitleFilter][image|Title Filter|{UP}Collection%20Management%2fImages%2fToolbar_TitleFilter.gif] | '''Title Filter''' - filters the Title List so that only those titles containing the entered text are displayed |} ))) {BR} ===Notes=== # [anchor|#note1]see the forum post "[|Cover Art Submission Standards- read if you are uploading cover art]" for information on cover image standards # [anchor|#note2]be sure to read and follow the [Contribution Guide|Contribution Guide] # [anchor|#note3]report any titles which do not follow the [Contribution Guide|Contribution Guide] # [anchor|#note4]you may make the correction and contribute it before reporting, however, doing so may result in not recieving points for the contribution # [anchor|#note5]only one of [#UpdateTitleProfiles|Update Title Profiles From WebService], [#UpdateActorAndCrewProfiles|Update Actor And Crew Profiles From WebService], or [#UpdateAllContent|Update All Content From WebService] may be run in a 24 hour period # [anchor|#note6]honors the locked data and locked covers settings for each title (if data is locked, data will not update; if covers are locked, covers will not update) # [anchor|#note7]honors the locked data and locked photo settings for each person (if data is locked, data will not update; if photo is locked, photo will not update) <!-- Image Map - keep at bottom to avoid clutter --> <!-- If anyone finds a way to do an include in ScrewTurn, the image map should --> <!-- probably be changed to an include - a text file with the map should already be at: --> <!-- {UP}Collection%20Management%2fImageMaps%2fToolbar.txt --> <map name="MenuImageMap" id="MenuImageMap"> <area shape="rect" coords="6,15,80,41" href="#AddTitles" alt="Add Titles" title="Add Titles" /> <area shape="rect" coords="87,15,108,41" href="#ContributeTitleCover" alt="Contibute Title Cover" title="Contibute Title Cover" /> <area shape="rect" coords="110,15,131,41" href="#ContributeTitleDataAndCover" alt="Contibute Title Data And Cover" title="Contibute Title Data And Cover" /> <area shape="rect" coords="133,15,154,41" href="#ContributeTitleData" alt="Contibute Title Data" title="Contibute Title Data" /> <area shape="rect" coords="161,15,182,41" href="#ChangeTitleSourceAndData" alt="Change Title Source And Data" title="Change Title Source And Data" /> <area shape="rect" coords="190,15,210,41" href="#DeleteTitle" alt="Delete Title" title="Delete Title" /> <area shape="rect" coords="217,15,238,41" href="#UpdateTitleProfiles" alt="Update Title Profiles From WebService" title="Update Title Profiles From WebService" /> <area shape="rect" coords="240,15,261,41" href="#UpdateActorAndCrewProfiles" alt="Update Actor And Crew Profiles From WebService" title="Update Actor And Crew Profiles From WebService" /> <area shape="rect" coords="263,15,284,41" href="#UpdateAllContent" alt="Update All Content From WebService" title="Update All Content From WebService" /> <area shape="rect" coords="286,15,307,41" href="#ReportIncorrectData" alt="Report Incorrect Data" title="Report Incorrect Data" /> <area shape="rect" coords="314,15,335,41" href="#RefreshTitleList" alt="Refresh Title List" title="Refresh Title List" /> <area shape="rect" coords="344,15,473,41" href="#TitleFilter" alt="Title Filter" title="Title Filter" /> </map>