Page History: Collection Management - Title Menu
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Page Revision: 2008/01/09 17:52
The title menu is used to maintain data for the currently selected title in the
local database or on the
web service.
Local Title Maintenance
Concerned with maintaining titles in the local database for personal use.
- Add Titles - adds titles to the local database
- Change Title Source and Data -
- Update Title -
- Import Front Cover -
- Import Full Cover Scan -
- Delete Title -
Web Service Title Maintenance
Concerned with migrating data from the local database to the web service to be used by all users.
- Contribute Title Cover 1 - uploads the local cover to the web service
- Contribute Title Data and Cover 1 - uploads the local cover and data to the web service
- Contribute Title Data 1 - uploads the local data to the web service
- Report Incorrect Data 2, 3 - reports to the moderators that the currently selected title's data and/or cover is incorrect
3 you may make the correction and contribute it before reporting, however, doing so may result in not recieving points for the contribution