Collection Management - Title Menu



The items on the Title Menu are used to maintain data for the currently selected title in the local database or on the web service.


"Clickable" Image

Title Menu

Menu Items

Local Title Maintenance

Web Service Title Maintenance



  1. available as a shortcut on the Toolbar
  2. title's data source must be the My Movies web service to perform this action
  3. honors the locked data and locked covers setting for the title (if data is locked it will not update, same for covers)
  4. see the forum post "Cover Art Submission Standards- read if you are uploading cover art" for information on cover image standards
  5. if the image is the proper ratio, the software will split the image into front and back covers and replace both, otherwise it will just replace the front cover
  6. be sure to read and follow the Contribution Guide
  7. report any titles which do not follow the Contribution Guide
  8. you may make the correction and contribute it before reporting, however, doing so may result in not recieving points for the contribution

Collection Management - File Menu Collection Management - Collection Menu Collection Management - WebService Menu Collection Management - Configure Menu Collection Management - Help Menu Add Titles Contribute Title Cover Contribute Title Data and Cover Contribute Title Data Change Title Source and Data Update Title Import Front Cover Import Full Cover Scan Report Incorrect Data Delete Title