Collection Management - Toolbar



The Toolbar provides shortcuts to select items on the Title Menu, shortcuts to select items on the WebService Menu and actions used to change the Title List view.


"Clickable" Image



Title Menu Shortcuts
Add TitlesAdd Titles - adds title(s) to the local database
Contribute Title CoverContribute Title Cover 1, 2 - uploads the selected title's local cover to the web service
Contribute Title Data And CoverContribute Title Data And Cover 1, 2 - uploads the selected title's local cover and data to the web service
Contribute Title DataContribute Title Data 2 - uploads the selected title's local data to the web service
Change Title Source And DataChange Title Source And Data - changes the source of the selected title's data to the My Movies web service, performs an Update Title after changing the source
Delete TitleDelete Title - deletes the selected title(s) from the local database
Report Incorrect DataReport Incorrect Data 3, 4 - reports to the moderators that the selected title's data and/or cover is incorrect
WebService Menu Shortcuts
Update Title Profiles From WebServiceUpdate Title Profiles From WebService 5, 6 - updates the local data and cover(s) for each title in the collection to that found on the My Movies web service
Update Actor And Crew Profiles From WebServiceUpdate Actor And Crew Profiles From WebService 5, 7 - updates the local data and photo for each person in the collection to that found on the My Movies web service
Update All Content From WebServiceUpdate All Content From WebService 5, 6, 7 - updates the local data, cover(s) and photo for each title and person in the collection to that found on the My Movies web service
Title List Actions
Refresh Title ListRefresh Title List - Refreshes Title List Data to account for any changes and redisplays the list
Title FilterTitle Filter - filters the Title List so that only those titles containing the entered text are displayed



  1. see the forum post "Cover Art Submission Standards- read if you are uploading cover art" for information on cover image standards
  2. be sure to read and follow the Contribution Guide
  3. report any titles which do not follow the Contribution Guide
  4. you may make the correction and contribute it before reporting, however, doing so may result in not recieving points for the contribution
  5. only one of Update Title Profiles From WebService, Update Actor And Crew Profiles From WebService, or Update All Content From WebService may be run in a 24 hour period
  6. honors the locked data and locked covers settings for each title (if data is locked, data will not update; if covers are locked, covers will not update)
  7. honors the locked data and locked photo settings for each person (if data is locked, data will not update; if photo is locked, photo will not update)

Add Titles Contibute Title Cover Contibute Title Data And Cover Contibute Title Data Change Title Source And Data Delete Title Update Title Profiles From WebService Update Actor And Crew Profiles From WebService Update All Content From WebService Report Incorrect Data Refresh Title List Title Filter